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Widi (pronounced 'Weedy') is one of Bali's most experienced tour guides. He speaks excellent English, and began his career working on international cruise ships so delivers world class service. Today, he lives in Denpasar with his wife and three children. On selected tours, he'll take you to his family home in Northern Bali and if you're really lucky, his mum will cook you an amazing meal while you're there.

Why choose us?

We know you have what probably seems like a million different people and companies to choose from while you're here in Bali. And while choice is good, it can also be a bit confusing when there's so many different places offering what seems like the same thing. And, of course, many of us go to the same places, so sometimes, it really doesn't matter all that much who you go with if you know what you want to do and see. But here's a few things to consider when deciding which guide or company to choose:

  1. Value. There's more to 'value' than just the lowest price. We like to think we offer a 'fair' price that delivers an awesome experience. Sometimes, it's not just about how much you pay, but how much you get. We'll go out of our way to make sure you have the most awesome time possible.

  2. Reputation. We've been doing tours for many years now, but like a lot of locals, we were very slow getting on to Trip Advisor so we're not going to be in the top few on there. But we have great testimonials from people who have gone on tours with us. We'll be adding more of these soon. 

  3. Safety. Whether Widi is driving, or he has a driver come along, you can be sure you'll be safe. The traffic in Bali can be a little uncomfortable for some people not used to it, so having a safe driver can make all the difference. We'll get you where we're going as fast as possible, but never at the expense of safety. We always drive at safe speeds and overtake safely.

  4. Peace of mind. Sometimes it's difficult to know whose best interests

  5. Supporting Bali. Some of the bigger companies are owned by people all over Indonesia and the world. Very few companies are owned by regular, Balinese people. Our little company is owned by Widi, a local Balinese man living in Denpasar with his wife and three kids. So 100% of the money you spend on your, stays with and supports Bali locals. (This website and other promotional material you may see, has been created free of charge by some of Widi's friends from around the world.)

NOTE: All photos used on our site were taken on tour with Widi. Unlike some sites, we do not use other people's images to make our tours look better than they really are. These are all 100% authentic pictures taken with Widi.

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